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林沛儒動畫微電影《木箱子》滿足是一種幻覺 "The Wooden Box" and the illusion of fulfillment (中英)

那天我醒來,突然感覺房間整體感覺變得比習慣的大,只因為前一天我把房間裡的冰箱搬到外面去。突發奇想,我在 Threads 上面開始寫下我的想法:想像一個公司租給你一些木箱子,請工人辦進你家,擺得滿滿的,接著就讓你和這些木箱子生活個三十天,等到你習慣之後,工人再回來把它們移走。這樣不就可以讓顧客不需要在家施工或是丟掉東西還可以感受到那種喜悅?不錯吧?這個叫做木箱子計畫,更好的是,這種喜悅只是短暫的,一下子又回到原本的苦日子,所以一定會回來繼續使用這個服務,對不對?

One day, while tidying my room, a simple act of moving a small fridge outdoors led to a profound realization: the perception of space within my living quarters had expanded considerably. This moment prompted me to reflect on the concept of space and its intrinsic value.

Captivated by this notion, I penned down my thoughts on Threads, contemplating the idea of a company offering boxes for temporary placement in customers' homes. These boxes would serve no functional purpose beyond providing a fleeting sense of spaciousness, after they are retrieved after a month's time.

冰箱原本在這,現在是植物。In the space once occupied by the fridge, there now stands this potted plant.




Rather than sharing this concept online, I was compelled to channel it into the creation of a screenplay for a film. As I delved deeper into the narrative, I found myself exploring philosophical inquiries surrounding the significance of empty space and the symbolic potential of these wooden vessels.

Throughout the creative process, I remained mindful of crafting a narrative that would resonate with audiences, sparking contemplation long after the credits roll. My aspiration is for viewers to engage with the film's themes and continue to ponder the questions it raises even after leaving the theater.


滿足的幻覺 The illusion of fulfillment


This theme explores how individuals, like Yu Jie, are drawn to temporary solutions or illusions that promise fulfillment of their desires, whether it be for space, comfort, or connection. However, these illusions ultimately mask deeper issues and realities, leading to a cycle of addiction, manipulation, and exploitation. The story highlights the human tendency to seek quick fixes and distractions, often at the expense of confronting uncomfortable truths or addressing underlying needs for genuine warmth, connection, and belonging.



《木箱子》是我精心製作的作品,探索有限空間的價值與人的習慣。用 2D 極簡主義搭配鳥瞰視角去模擬一種觀看玩具屋的感覺。深信此作品將為觀眾帶來獨特而震撼的體驗。

"The Wooden Box" is a carefully crafted piece exploring the value of limited space and human habits. Using 2D minimalist style with a bird's-eye view to simulate the feeling of looking into a toy house. I firmly believe that this work will provide audiences with a unique and impactful experience.

電影上映後可以在 YouTube 或是 Bilibili 看到。

Link 林沛儒
Link: 4.2024

導演 Director:林沛儒 Pei Ju "Link" Lin

林沛儒,是一位出生於台灣、成長於加拿大的創作歌手,後來轉型為音樂製作人。他在安大略省音訊工程技術學院畢業後,開始為多倫多的獨立電影配樂,同時也在 YouTube 教授音樂製作,並與 FL Studio 合作。

有一次在溫哥華旅遊中創作的一部關於電影配樂創作哲學的動畫短片在 Bilibili 上受到關注,激發了他對極簡主義敘事的興趣。Link 擁抱動畫開始製片。


Pei Ju Lin, known as "Link," began his artistic journey as a Taiwan-born, Canada-raised singer-songwriter before transitioning into music production. After studying at the Ontario Institute of Audio Recording Technology, he delved into composing music for indie films in Toronto while teaching music production on YouTube, collaborating with FL Studio.

His path took a turn when a short animated film about the philosophy of film score composition went viral on Bilibili, sparking his interest in minimalist storytelling. Embracing animation, Link ventured into producing short films.

Today, Pei Ju "Link" Lin continues to explore storytelling through animation, inspired by his passion for music and everyday life experience.

Instagram: @LinkMusicNow

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